Michelle Gorney, President
Anne Fontcuberta, Vice President
Jim Angel, Treasurer
Carol Angel and Natalie Barber, C0-Secretaries
St. Tammany Right to Life is a non-denominational 501(c)(3) corporation dedicated to promoting life. St. Tammany RTL became a chapter of Louisiana Right to Life in 1986 with its primary focus on education and legislation.
St Tammany RTL has been a resource for schools by providing speakers to show the fetal development models (rubber models showing in real scale the development of the fetus in the womb) to elementary and high school youth. Working alongside the Crises Pregnancy Centers and many churches, St. Tammany Right to Life members have given countless Pro Life presentations and worked tirelessly on legislation and ensuring that voters are informed regarding candidates’ positions on life issues.
Four annual events are hosted by St. Tammany Right to Life: Life Chains in East and West St. Tammany, which attract 1000-plus people; the St. Tammany Right to Life Oratory Contest for high school juniors and seniors; March for Life in East St. Tammany; and Pro-Life Youth Scholarship awards for graduating St. Tammany parish seniors. Quarterly meetings are held in February, May, August, and November at different locations in St. Tammany to encourage participation by all members and interested persons passionate about a Pro-Life Louisiana.
The chapter also offers scholarships to PULSE Weekend Immersions and the PULSE Leadership Institute for high school and college students and supports the crisis pregnancy centers.
Please email for the next meeting time and place!
It’s easy to become a member. Just download the form by clicking the link below, fill out and mail in. The membership fee is $25 per year.
Download the Membership Application
Quarterly Meeting: Meetings are held quarterly, rotating from the east to west side of the parish. Dates will be announced. Everyone is invited these meetings.
2021-22 Pro-Life Youth Leadership Award: Nominations/applications are now being accepted for the 2021-22 St. Tammany Right to Life Pro-Life Youth Leadership Award. The deadline to submit the nomination form is April 15, 2022. This annual scholarship award is given to a high school senior who will graduate in May. The senior must live in St. Tammany Parish and attend a St. Tammany Parish high school or be homeschooled and must be able to demonstrate that they have been or are a prolife advocate in St. Tammany Parish in with Louisiana Right to Life. More details are included on the nomination form.
2022 Oratory Contest: The annual St. Tammany Right to Life Oratory Contest will be held Saturday, April 9, beginning at 10 a.m. at Pope John Paul II High School in Slidell. The winner of the local contest will be eligible to compete in the state oratory contest, and the winner of the state contest can compete at the national competition.
The contest is open to high school juniors and seniors from St. Tammany Parish. Speeches must be from the pro-life viewpoint to show why abortion, euthanasia, or embryonic stem cell research that endangers the life of babies in the womb or any human being is wrong. The speech should be 5-7 minutes.
Cash prizes will be awarded: $500 for first place, $250 for second place, and $100 for third place.
Click to Download Entry Form
Click to Download Flyer
For additional information, email or call Michelle Gorney at 985-640-8765.
Slidell Life Rally: The annual Slidell Life Rally and March was held Saturday, Feb. 5. This walk/rally is an annual event.
2021 St. Tammany Life Chains: Hundreds of pro-lifers stood (or sat) in peaceful and prayerful protest against abortion in October during the St. Tammany Life Chain events. This was the 30th year for a Life Chain in St. Tammany Parish. There were two events – Slidell on Sunday, Oct. 3, and Covington on Sunday, Oct. 24.
St. Tammany Right to Life Vice President Natalie Barber, left, and President Dr. Ray Larry present Thien-y Nguyen with the Pro-Life Youth Leadership Award at Pope John Paul High School’s graduation ceremony.
2020-21 Pro-Life Youth Leadership Award: Thien-y Nguyen, a graduating senior from Pope John Paul High School in Slidell, is the 2020-21 Pro-Life Youth Leadership Award winner and received a $1,000 scholarship. She plans to attend Tulane in the fall, where she received a full tuition scholarship after graduating with 4.7 GPA from PJP in May.
St. Tammany Right to Life President Dr. Ray Larry with Billi Barber.
2019-2020 Pro-Life Youth Leadership Award: St. Tammany Right to Life presented the 2020 Pro-life Youth Leadership scholarship to Billi Barber, a graduate of Slidell High School. Billi received a $1000 scholarship. Billi graduated with a 4.3 gpa and in the top 10% of her graduating class. She will be attending Louisiana College in Pineville, majoring in Vocal Music Education.
2020 Oratory Contest Winners: Kacie Edson of Slidell High and Thien-Y Nguyen of Pope John Paul.
2019 Scholarship Winner: St. Tammany Right to Life presented the 2019 Pro-life Youth Leadership scholarship to Claire Worchel, a graduate of Pope John Paul High School in Slidell. Claire received a $500 scholarship as well as a crystal flame statue award.
This was the second year a scholarship has been presented by the organization.
Claire Worchel, center, received the 2019 St. Tammany Right to Life Pro-Life Youth Leadership Scholarship. She is shown with STRTL President Dr. Ray Larry, left, and Secretary Natalie Barber.
2019 Oratory Contest: St. Tammany Right to Life held its Pro-Life Oratory Contest on April 16. Winner Gabrielle Adams advanced to the state oratory competition, where she placed third. Summer Crawford finished second in the local oratory contest, and Jamie Otto was third. At the time of the contest the students were 11th graders at First Baptist Christian School and students in Mrs. Melissa Billeaud’s 11th-grade English class.
Pro-Life Oratory Contest winners are, from left, Jamie Otto, Summer Crawford, and Gabrielle Adams.
2019 Pro-Life Walk: St. Tammany Right to Life sponsored the 2019 Pro-Life Walk at a new location this year. A large group of pro-lifers joined in the fun on Feb. 2 at Heritage Park, 1701 Bayou Lane, and celebrated the gift of life!
2019 Life Chains: Hundreds of pro-lifers stood (or sat) in a peaceful and prayerful protest against abortion in one of two St. Tammany Life Chains in October, one in Slidell and another in Covington. This was the 28th year for a Life Chain in St. Tammany Parish.