
New Orleans Right to Life

200 Allen Toussaint Blvd.
New Orleans, LA 70124

Click here to donate to New Orleans Right to Life

About New Orleans Right to Life

New Orleans Right to Life, founded in 1970, aims to promote the common good and the general welfare through the advancement of reverence for human life in the Greater New Orleans area. New Orleans Right to Life is comprised of two entities: New Orleans Right to Life Association and New Orleans Right to Life Education Foundation.

New Orleans Right to Life Programs

Proudly Pro-Life Gala

The annual Proudly Pro-Life Gala (formerly the Proudly Pro-Life Dinner), sponsored jointly with Louisiana Right to Life, offers members of the New Orleans community the opportunity to come together and honor those who have served the cause of life. Proceeds benefit pro-life efforts in New Orleans. SAVE THE DATE: January 13, 2024!

Right to Life Calendar

Since 1974, New Orleans and Louisiana Right to Life’s annual Right to Life Wall Calendar features babies from across Louisiana. Each month features a beautiful child and includes inspirational messages and information about the pro-life movement in our state.  The 2024 Right to Life Wall Calendar will be for sale in October!

FootPrints for Life Program in Grade Schools

In a collaborative effort with Choose the Child and Natasia Kissinger, New Orleans Right to Life Educational Foundation is advancing the Footprints for Life Program designed to build a Culture of Life in our children. This program builds on a foundation of love, truth and dignity. The program covers all of the USCCB Culture of Life topics age-appropriately, and incorporates the Spiritual and Corporal Works of Mercy into the study of these issues. It is designed to be easily integrated into an already existing programs and schools.  To learn more, click here.

Night for Life

New Orleans Right to Life hosts dinners for life across the greater New Orleans area to educate people on pro-life issues. Our next pro-life education event, Evening for Life, will be held in Metairie in October 2024!

Pro-Life High School Oratory Contest

“If slavery is not wrong, nothing is wrong.”  These words were said by Abraham Lincoln to highlight the self-evident evil of slavery.  We too recognize that a threat to human life anywhere is a threat to human life everywhere.

This contest gives students the opportunity to express this truth through a pro-life ovation, to utilize and share their unique creativity and perspective, and to expand their knowledge of life issues. Contact New Orleans Youth Programs Director Ashley Gilliam at or 504.754.8807 to find out more information!

Click this link to go to the Pro-Life Oratory Contest page.